Lots of exciting updates

📅 December 12, 2022
📍 Heidelberg, Germany
💬 kmapp Team
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From Female Empowerment to Accelerating our Network

We haven't given an update in quite some time and as it is in the Startup world, a lot has happened since the Kickstarter event of the KI Garage in October.
We worked very hard on our product and came closer and closer to our first milestones. The kmapp platform grows steadily and we are proud to demonstrate our vision of document based knowledge management with a minimal presentable product. If you are interested in seeing the prototype in action, feel free to contact us! We are looking forward to every feedback on our UI and user experience so far!
The network around kmapp grows and we keep meeting people that are as excited as we are about an innovative approach to enhance knowledge management. Of course, this pushes our motivation and we are very happy to meet such inspiring people on our journey. We connected with lots of innovative founders from Baden-Württemberg and organisations like hei_INNOVATION.
At the end of this post, we would like to highlight an important topic to us by telling you about one specific event our team member Marina has participated in. At the magnificent Gloria cinema in Heidelberg, a very successful and inspiring evening took place in order to address female empowerment and entrepreneurship. "Dream, Girl", the documentary was shown and afterwards, a panel discussion was organised with Marina and three other female panellists who also founded and are role models as entrepreneurs. Making the founding space more diverse and empowering innovators, especially women, to join and bring their ideas to life is fundamental to keep innovations high and qualitative. We keep pushing to be a successful example and hope to inspire others to get the courage to also get started!