The journey has begun!

📅 October 24, 2022
📍 Heidelberg, Germany
💬 kmapp Team
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Kick-Off event at the KI Garage, Friday 21st October, 2022

We got together with 11 other great AI Startups of Baden Württemberg in our homebase Heidelberg to start our inspiring journey together with the KI Garage and the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. We all have very different innovative ideas and intelligent solutions but there is one thing that unites all of us: Our motivation and drive to create innovation. We had some great sessions while getting to know each other and our ideas and were able to tie the first connections in a valueable network of open-minded and creative people.
The upcoming weeks will form us and our product and we are happy to be part of such an exciting opportunity to experience this network accelerator program.
Stay tuned for further updates and exciting news along our mission to bring knowledge management and document work to the next level.